Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Somehow, my two-and-a-half week break is down to 5 days before I head back for the fall trimester...Where has the time gone!?!?!  I suppose the first week I was a jet-setter, spending the first long weekend in Seattle for a school meeting and a conference, and the second long weekend in KC/Wichita visiting friends and family...thankful that Tim held down the fort taking care of the doggies.

Seattle was a great experience.  I went as a proxy for the president of a group I'm involved with at school and had a great time getting to know other naturopathic medical students.  Despite a day-long meeting, we were rewarded with a great, 2-day conference filled with wonderful speakers.  The annual AANP (American Association of Naturopathic Physicians) conference was wrapping up while we were there and we scored some free tickets to the closing gala - think fancy wedding reception minus the bride and groom, complete with dinner, wine and dancing to a live band.  I wish I had some fun pictures to share, but I've discovered I'm terrible at capturing fun moments with a camera.  I guess I'm too busy trying to enjoy the moment! =)

I came back to Chi-town for two whole days and then Thursday I was off again to Kansas City.  I got to have a fun dinner with my awesome sis-in-law (Abby), one of my favorite girlfriends (Molly), and my sis and her boyfriend (Tay).  Friday afternoon Gretchen and Tay joined me for a weekend in Wichita with my parents.  We had fun catching up with family and friends.  I got to see both of my wonderful mother-in-laws, and I got to meet Erica and Kyle's new baby boy, Hudson.  My favorite couple (Erika & Goran) were my sidekicks for the weekend and they joined in on both evening activities (out in Old Town and dancing at Margaritas).  Actually, my favorite part of the weekend was probably dancing it up with my dad at Margaritas.  For those of you who don't know, my dad is quite the dancer.  We had a blast!

Of course there's never enough time when you're back in your old stomping grounds, visiting those that you love.  But I suppose it will hold me over until the next visit...whenever that may be!

Also, in case you were wondering I haven't given up on my Wellness Wednesday blogging.  I've decided to start a new website, that will eventually transform from a student website to a professional website as I complete school.  This new site will contain blog posts similar to what I've been blogging about on Wellness Wednesdays, I just wanted to separate my personal blogging from my future-career-blogging.  I will share with you the new site once it's up and running!

Here are a few pics that somehow managed to get taken...
With Abby at La Bodega in KC

With Erika at Harry's

With Jamie, Erika & Gretch at Margaritas

With Erika & Jamie at Pumphouse

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