Friday, December 17, 2010


Today I am home.  I finished my first trimester of med school and today marks 6 months since Tim and I tied the knot.  The past four months have zoomed by and they've been extremely rewarding and extremely challenging.  I knew being away from home was going to be really hard, but it was ten times harder than that!!! 

Tim has been wonderful.  He is my number one fan and I know that I couldn't be doing this if I didn't have his support 100%.  He's been working very hard to take care of our home and our dogs.  It hasn't been easy, but I love him very much and I appreciate everything he has done for us.  I'm very proud of him and I'm honored to be his wife.

I know the next 3 weeks are going to fly by and soon I'll be returning to the windy city.  But first a little trip out to California to warm the soul (literally) and lots of visits with friends to my favorite spots in Wichita.  And I couldn't be happier...well maybe after my spa treatment this afternoon...then I couldn't be happier!

It's very true, the most challenging times turn out to be some of the most rewarding times.  Cheers and happy holidays!