Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy birthday to me!!!

Did I really only make one blog post in October???...  Oops.

And am I really finishing my TENTH week of school???

Was today REALLY my 27th birthday???

Definitely not enough hours in the day.  Instead of blogging about something wonderful I've been learning in school recently, I've decided to blog about the wonderful last week I just had!  Last weekend was awesome.  Tim and my parents flew up to spend the weekend with me.  And it was much needed after a week with 3 tests.  Oh and then another test on the following Monday.  Talk about being brain dead.  However the weekend with my family was just what I needed.  We watched movies, cooked at my apartment and just spent some much needed time together.

I'm happy to report I didn't have to spend any time in the cadaver lab today, a nice little birthday break indeed.  Not that I hate the cadaver lab, but trust me, 7 hours a week in there and it does start to wear down on you a bit.  I got a ton of birthday wishes from back home (which was super nice!) and even one of the docs I used to work for at the clinic called and played the Beatles Birthday Song for me via voicemail (which is what he does for everyone who works at the clinic on their birthdays, just over the speaker system at the clinic instead of voicemail!).  My awesome new buddies up here took care of me too.  I got a super nice and funny birthday card and one of my girlfriends took me out for a post-class glass of wine.  Even though I had to finish the day with a few hours of studying, I'd say it's been a great day to turn 27.

And to top off the birthday week, my sis is coming to visit me this weekend!

Happy birthday to me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you had a good birthday, and a great pre-birthday weekend!!! I miss you tons, and love you even more than that!!! -Katharine
