Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Favorites.

My blogging has been a bit inconsistent this summer.  I really didn't want that to happen...but it did.  I have a handful of excuses...but I'm sure you don't want me to bore you with those.  This week I'm combining "Friday Favorites" and "Wellness Wednesday" into one post.  I call this efficient...but in the back of my mind I know it's slightly lazy.

In any case, I present to you "My Favorite Supplements"!

1.  Probiotics.  This is probably the one supplement I would never want to live without.  It keeps my tummy happy and my mind clear.  I also know it's working on keeping my immune system strong (because approximately 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract!), plus keeping the good vs. bad bacteria in my gut in check.  I know I've blogged about probiotics before and I've mentioned them a handful of times, but I really love them and I think they're great for everyone!
This is the brand I use.  I like it because it has a variety of different strains of good bacteria.  The serving size on the label calls for 3 capsules, but I only take one and still get about 28 billion units per serving.  I take it in the morning about 20 minutes before I eat breakfast.
2.  Vitamin D.  If you haven't heard about the many health benefits of vitamin D, you've probably been living under a rock for the past few years.  This little gem is frequently in the news and is frequently being studied.  Benefits of vitamin D include:
  • Helps maintain calcium balance, which is important for many reasons including bone health and normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Boosts your immune system.
  • Cancer - some preliminary human studies are showing vitamin D to be protective against certain types of cancer.
It is possible to take too much vitamin D, which can potentially be dangerous.  It's a good idea to get your levels checked with your primary care provider before taking larger doses if needed, however it is widely accepted that a dose of 2000 IUs is safe for most adults.  Most primary care docs are regularly checking vitamin D levels and typically insurance companies pay for it.  It's a simple blood test and one that may show a deficiency...most Americans are deficient in vitamin D. I take 4000 IUs daily, as I had my levels checked and I was low in vitamin D.
Many studies are showing the D3 form is used more efficiently in the body than the D2 form, so make sure you check the label.
3.  Fish oil.  It's actually the omega-3 fatty acids in the fish oil that make this supplement so beneficial.  Along with being cardioprotective, aka reducing the risk of heart disease, studies have shown many other benefits of omega-3 fatty acids...
  • Improves immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Relieves depression and anxiety
  • Improves various skin conditions such as psoriasis, dry skin and eczema
One thing I always look for when I purchase fish oil is the quality of the fish the supplement was made from.  I choose to purchase fish oil that comes from one type of WILD fish.  Farmed fish are typically exposed to many toxins and I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm already exposed to plenty of those...I really like New Chapter's WHOLEmega, which uses wild Alaskan salmon. 
There you have it!  Have a great weekend...GO TEAM USA!!!


  1. I would call it efficient:)! Also, what is your opinion on any of these supplements for kids?

    1. Good question! I'm going to send you a more detailed message on Facebook.
