Sunday, February 13, 2011

Betrayed by Whole Foods...

Was it just yesterday I was pumping up my local Whole Foods store?  I was so happy that they were carrying good, nutritious food with easy to read labels and ingredients...

It's a sad, sad day my friends.  Whole Foods has apparently surrendered to Monsanto (i.e. genetically engineered crops).  Please read the posted link.  I think we'd all agree that we have the right to know what's in our food!  I find it amazing that other developed countries REQUIRE GMO-tainted food to be labeled and the US does not.  Honestly I find it quite sad.

I know Whole Foods will still carry other responsibly grown items, I just hope this inspires everyone to shop smart and READ THOSE LABELS!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

I'm happy to report I survived Snowpocalypse 2011!!!  I think official totals were 20" in my area.  Can you imagine 20" in Wichita???  The city would be shut down for a week!  The big rig machine just finished clearing my parking lot, so I'm sure I'll make it to my 8 AM class tomorrow morning just fine!  I was a bit worried earlier, but neighbors assured me they'd have everything cleared tonight.  City streets and all!  I've never seen anything like it in my life!

The snow started about 2 PM yesterday and didn't stop until about 10 AM this morning.  It was definitely white out conditions.  Every time I peaked out my patio door all I saw was solid snow coming down sideways!!!  My favorite peak-out was when I saw a Siberian husky frolicking along with his poor owner.  As soon as the dog discovered they were headed for the indoors, he plopped right down in the snow and did not budge!  It was so funny!  His owner was tugging and tugging on that leash as that snow and wind was whipping around them.  Finally he gave in and they went inside, what a true snow dog!  Too bad I didn't have the camera out for that one.

I snapped a few pictures to share.  I wish I was a kid again, happy to have a day off from school to go sledding with my friends, not a day off to spend studying!!!  Enjoy!

My patio, which is under a balcony!

My car, to the right of the sign post.

My patio and what's left of my 3 foot tall shrubs!

Starting the dig-out!!!